10 Online Dating Mistakes
In my time on the online dating scene, there were a few things I saw fellow online daters doing that turned out to be real online dating no no’s. It wasn’t just stuff I saw in the men, though, some fellow girlies were guilty of some of these so thought I would share them in a not what to do way. So in no particular order …
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Too Eager – Nothing shouts desperate like being too eager. Although it can start off rather flattering it can all too soon become all weird and send the other party running. If you think you may be the over-eager one ask an honest friend who will tell you truthfully.
Lying – There are the huge lies like not actually being single or nowhere near being a millionaire. These we are all aware of and look out for. But then there are the smaller lies that people think don’t matter so much but can all add up. So when you’re writing your profile please don’t shave off a few inches off your waist measurement and add it to your height. Don’t add a few noughts to your earnings (not that you should be talking about your earnings but that’s a whole other story) and take off a few years off your age. All those little lies add up and make you a completely different person.
Sexual Innuendos – I’m not a prude but sexual innuendos have their time and place and on a first date or when you don’t know someone isn’t the time or place.
Asking For Personal Info – It’s ok to ask questions to get to know someone but asking for personal info when you hardly know each other can come across as weird.
Winking – On some of the dating sites you can ‘wink’ at someone you like. Brilliant but think of how it can be perceived. If someone just winked me and then that was it I would either think they are winking at everyone to see who bites or they are too tight to pay for the membership and a wink is as far it will ever get. A wink is ok if you follow it up with a message but don’t just sit there and wink at people.
Dodgy Photos – bit self-explanatory but blurry or old photo doesn’t sell you at all. Yes you may have looked dead hot when you were in your 20’s and 30’s and the pictures are rather lovely BUT you’re not in your 20’s or 30’s anymore so you need to have a current picture and no not the one your gran took which cuts off half your head and isn’t in focus.
Reply Timing – take forever people will think you’re not interested or not serious. On the other extreme if you reply before the other person has finished pressing the send button and you will come across as desperate.
Thinly Spread – Yes it can be a bit like a kid in a candy shop but please don’t try to have your hand in all the sweet jars all at once.
Not Knowing What you Want – Sometimes daters go headlong into an online dating without actually knowing what they actually want. Save yourself and others some heartache and work out what you want before you hit the www.
Boring Messages – You might like ferrets and think they are the bees knees but potential dates might note. Read your messages back to yourself before you hit the send button. Is it boring? Are you yawning? Has it sent you to sleep? Even if you half thought yes to any of those you need to brighten up your message a bit.
Extra Tip – Use a reputable site like eHarmoney
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10 Online Dating No Nos 1
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