15 really usefully useless facts because most of us love something totally useless.
1 You burn 3.5 calories each time you laugh.
2 The delightful expression ‘kick my arse’ is thought to date back to 1705.
3 More than 500 peanuts are used to make a jar of peanut butter.
4 Japan is the largest exporter of frogs’ legs.
5 One in ten people in the world live on an island.
6 Our ability to taste fades with age.
7 Flushing a toilet costs on average 1.5p.
8 A person uses approximately 57 sheets of toilet paper each day.
9 At the age of 35, a human will start to loose approximately 7,000 brain cells a day. They are never replaced.
10 Most toilets flush in the key of E flat.
11 Between 4 and 5 people are born every second and 2 people die.
12 Britons throw away enough rubbish every hour to fill the Royal Albert Hall.
13 People read 25% slower from a computer screen than from paper.
14 The space between your eyebrows is called glabella.
15 Only 30% of humans can flare their nostrils.
And you can stop flaring, or not flaring, your nostrils now.
No wonder peanut butter is SO fattening. 57 sheets? The Royal Albert Hall – every hour? All astonishing!
“People read 25% slower from a computer screen than from paper.” so when is the print version of Confessions comming out? LOL