A new report from London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) revealed a large number of workers in the UK would like to change career. In fact, the figure is nearly half of all workers, at 47%. And around a quarter – 23% – went a step further by admitting that they actually regretted their original choice of career. That figure rose even higher among the 25-34 years old category.
A significant proportion of our lives are devoted to work and developing a career, so it stands to reason that above all else, we need to be happy in what we’re doing. The average working career might be as long as 40 years or more, and that’s a very long time. No-one should have to feel trapped in a job they no longer enjoy, or ever feel that they are restricted to just one career.
So, why not change jobs, and change careers? What’s holding all of these unhappy individuals back? Why are so many putting off pursuing their dreams?
According to the same LSBF study, it comes down to a range of factors. Around a third cited a lack of financial security – probably daunted by the prospect of taking a few steps down the career ladder to start all over again, or worried at a lack of income while re-training. Some 20% were unsure about what career to switch to, and 15% were concerned by a fear of failure.
If this sounds familiar, and a career change is something you’ve been pondering, maybe it’s time to ask yourself some serious questions. An article from the National Careers Service lays it all out nice and clearly, asking readers to evaluate their current career satisfaction and then asking whether a career change could really provide the answer. Do you want a new role in your current organisation? A change of employer? Or a completely different career?
If you come to the conclusion that a new career is really what you crave, it’s time to take action. Assuming you know what alternative career you want, there are two useful starting points. Firstly, have a look at opportunities online to see what jobs are available, and to get an idea of salary, prospects, suitable employers and locations.
Secondly, do some research into how you can secure the career of your dreams. This might involve an element of training, or work experience – or you may be able to train while on the job to learn the skills you need to thrive.
To make a positive change, be prepared to make some sacrifices – very little in life is achieved without hard work and dedication. If you have a perfect job in mind, don’t give up easily. Be inspired by some of these stories on Mashable, featuring five people who completed impressive career u-turns and including one man who swapped being a financial planner for running an online store for retro arcade game rentals.
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