This isn’t a new revelation as I have been saying this for years and yet people laugh or tell me I don’t mean it. But I am really not a summer person. There you go said it out loud. There are lots of reasons why like we don’t actually get a summer here in the UK just a few warm days and that’s about it. Or the thought of upping sticks and moving somewhere hot isn’t on my bucket list. But here are my 5 main reasons I am an autumn/winter girl.
The Heat – I can’t deal with it. It makes me all sweaty and grumpy. Clothes and stuff and skin stick to me and its just yuk. Then just when you think you can handle it the night time comes and it gets hotter. I can’t sleep in the heat and end up trying to count snowflakes to fall asleep again.
Bugs – I have cats. Cats seem to like to have fleas. Fleas love to eat me. If you ever want to know if you, or rather your pet, has fleas just invite me round and I can tell you within minutes. Summer isn’t content in giving us fleas it gives us flys and wasps too. I mean what is the point of either of those? Bumble bees I get and I like those. They serve a purpose. But wasps and flys just wind the cats up and dash around making me all dizzy as I try to get them.
Fur – No not me the cats. Both cats can walk into a room or jump onto my bed and bham half their coat is around their paws. So they move over as that spot is now covered in fur and bham it happens again. Then they sit there grooming getting half of it stuck in their mouths and won’t let you help them and head shaking continues. And then they shed some more. I have seriously considered on more than one occasion in just hoovering the cats. It would save so much middle work.
Summer Attire – There are 3 types of summer wearers. 1 – Those who think because the sun is out we all need to see every inch of their pale skin as they wander around this earth. They wear clothes that just don’t fit them in any way, shape or form. But they think it’s summer what does it matter – my eyes that what matters. I can’t unsee it all now can I. 2 – Then there are the ones that although they have the decent size shorts and tops on they just look so wrong in them. Often teamed with socks and sandals. Bless they are trying but please don’t. 3 – The perfect ones. They have the perfect skin with the perfect sized bodies and clothing they ‘just threw on’ and look drop dead gorgeous. They live for summer and summer loves them. Just go away now.
No Blankets, Candles and Putting The House to Bed – yes this is a real thing. When I sit on the sofa I like to have a blanket to snuggle up in. I like candles flickering and I love putting the house to bed. You know when you go round closing curtains and putting on table lamps. Shutting the world out and being all cosy inside. I can’t do that in the summer. I had one candle on for the oil burner and nearly passed out from heat exhaustion.
So there it is. If you’re a summer person and I offend you – tough. Winter is where it’s at. And Autumn is just the most magical season of all.
Are you a summer or winter sole?
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