Gardening for me use to be something old people did. Then I moved to a house that had a reasonable sized garden that even I could manage and I grew my first tomatoes and I was hooked. No other tomatoes will ever taste as good as the first one you manage to grow yourself. As my confidence grew I managed to grow more things. Broccoli took over my garden and looked like it was going for world domination. Peas and strawberries get pinched by the children as they come and go from the house. Potatoes where slightly disappointment but lettuces are always a great success. Considering a pack of seeds may be around £1.50/£2 mark and you get a years supply ( if you plant in succession) instead of paying 50p to £1 per lettuce at the supermarkets. When your on a tight budget its a no brainier really. They also reckon gardening has loads of different health benefits too.
If you want me..I’ll be in the garden.
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