It must be an age thing, but the older I get the less materialistic I am becoming and more quality of life I crave. I am fed up with all the greed and hatred in the world and just plain tired of it all. So when I started reading up on the frugal lifestyle from having no money, a lot of their frugal habits that they talk about are really good lifestyle choices for a calmer better life.
Live in a modest home – You don’t have to have the biggest house, it’s more about having a house size that suits your needs. If you’re finding you have more stuff than house space maybe reduce the stuff instead of the house size. You only end up heating and cleaning a larger space to house stuff.
Choose quality over quantity – Quantity only makes you happy short term
Choose quality over quantity – Quantity only makes you happy short term whereas quality keeps you happy longer.
Cook at home – cooking at home is cheaper, rewarding and can be fun and sociable too
Repair and re-use – we live in a throwaway society but only because we don’t bother to repair and reuse to save money and resources. Make the effort instead.
Use the last drop of everything – if you’re throwing away half used or half-eaten items your over buying. I figured this one quickly when I started seeing how much food I was throwing away each week. I buy less, the kids are still alive and now don’t throw hardly any food away.
Use deals and coupons – but only if it is stuff you would normally buy as otherwise it’s not a saving. There are so many smartphone apps out there to help you save as you go.
Grow an emergency fund – no matter how little you can put away start putting it away. Even if it really is pennies. With online banking, it is so easy to transfer 40p to your savings account.
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