The reason we encourage kids and teens to write in a journal, among the many other benefits, is because it can help a lot with their confidence and self-esteem. You are probably aware of how fragile this can be in your youth and want to help your kids grow up feeling confident as much as possible. Journaling is a wonderful way to do that.
Explore Kids’ and Teens’ Issues with Self-Esteem
The thing with low self-esteem is that most people don’t recognize it right away, especially adolescents. Your kids might not even realize they are struggling with self-confidence. This is what journaling is going to open up for them.
Just through the act of writing with openness and honesty, both kids and teenagers often discover patterns of negative self-talk. This can give them a little insight into their own self-esteem issues, and work to overcome them also with the help of the journal.
Work on Building Confidence Slowly
With confidence, it is not something you don’t have one day and just show up the next day. It happens slowly, over time, and with a lot of work. Luckily, there are journal prompts that can help tremendously.
Journal prompts for confidence often vary between determining a person’s confidence and self-esteem level and trying to figure out where their mindset is. Here are a few examples:
1. How confident do you feel when you walk into a room?
2. Do you feel brave enough to talk to someone you don’t know?
3. How do you feel about yourself?
4. What are your favorite qualities about yourself?
5. What would you improve about your appearance if you could?
Using Positive Wording in the Journal
Being positive when writing in a journal can help a lot, especially when writing about ones’ self. This is a technique that does take a little practice, but you can give your kids or teens prompts that require them to do this. For example, have them write down something they don’t love about themselves, but frame it in a positive way.
If your teenager wishes they were better at math, they can either write down a list of other subjects they are really good at, or write down how can improve their math skills.
Daily Affirmations for Lifting Them Up
Try introducing the use of affirmations with your kids and teens, giving them a positive statement that makes them feel good about themselves. Affirmations like:
I am bold, strong, and beautiful.
I can achieve anything.
I am worthy of love.
Have them choose a daily affirmation, and write it down in their journal.
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