If you’re on the tangible search for a man it helps to know what men look for in a woman? If you can gain a small insight into how they think (think might be a bit strong though) then you can have enormous power and your search will be more effective. We all know they are a strange breed but if you accept them as they are and forgive them for stuff they can not control and work with it then you have a better chance.
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Men have their own unique way of doing things and this still implies when they look at women. They are visual creatures. They shop with their eyes. So for them to see you, you first have to be in their sight. Running around with head down, not making eye contact and merging into the background isn’t conclusive with being seen. If you’re not seen they can’t see you (bit obvious I know) and if they can’t see you then nothing more will happen. I’m not saying you have to be out there in neon colours with a sign on your head. But more slowing down a bit and actually noticing things around you. I admit I am the worlds worst for not seeing things but it wasn’t till it was actually pointed out to me that I don’t notice men looking at me that I realized there is a whole world out there I was missing out on. Not anymore I might add.
So when the said male is out there looking what does he look for? Well no two men are the same. Not all like the stereotyped stick thin woman. They like normal shapes and all the glorious shapes our bodies come in. There are those who like blondes and those who only like brunettes. Leg men, boob men. Whatever shape, size, hair colouring etc you are, you are gorgeous and there will be a man out there who is looking for just that. Now putting men in all these categories might seem shallow but us women are the same. We may be more forgiving in the male looks department and understand that beauty is on the inside but we too naturally like and drawn too certain types. Its just one of the ways men do things differently.
eHarmony is the only dating site I recommend. Try eHarmony now and see your matches for FREE
- So be more aware – slow down and notice more.
- Get used to the fact men are visual first. You can’t change it.
- Understand that though it sounds shallow of men, us women do the same but different.
I have since written a more in-depth post about Dating for Single Parents if you would like to read more.
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What do men look for
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