I seem to like lists. I feel comfortable when I have a list in front of me. It is, though, on my list to loosen my grip on my need to have a list.
Continuing my list of what I have learnt I move on to raising a son. In my house we are on birthday count down as my son will be 12 this week. So have I learnt anything about having a boy? Here are my 12 things I have learnt about bringing up a boy.
1 – Getting a cat to have shower is easier than getting a boy in the shower.
2 – Boys like mud, trees and anything that involves fighting kicks. Combine all three and you’re the best mum in the world.
3 – Homework and a boy is not a happy combination. There are tears and frustration and not always just from him. Oh and they never have a pen.
4 – Boys have an attention span shorter than a goldfish. Unless, of course, I am talking about chocolate or scooter tricks. Not that I personally do scooter tricks, he does, the mere mention gets his attention though.
5 – Boys don’t have a tidy gene.
6 – Boys talk nonstop, often the same thing 7 different ways.
7 – Boys have a constant energy that if it was bottled would make someone very rich.
8 – Boys can be surprising sensitive and caring. This is rare though so don’t get too excited or worried.
9 – Boys have smelly feet. ( even if you have mastered number 1)
10 – Boys will happily wear the same clothes every day forever. I am now an expert in the art of night time clothes stealing to enable them to be washed.
I asked my daughter what it was like having a brother….”annoying and smelly” !
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