Dating when you were in nursery group was a doddle. You smiled at a boy, he ran away and that was is it, he was your boyfriend and you his girlfriend. Love lasted till you smiled at another boy and he decided digging for worms was far more interesting than girls.
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Dating in the infant class was much the same as nursery. It was as quick, as fickle and as cute.
Dating in the juniors was where it got more serious. Smiles were replaced with notes asking him out. He would dither whilst he worked out his options. I quickly learned that the girls who brought packed lunch and had an extra chocolate bar in their lunches got the more boyfriends.
Dating in primary school was where it got awkward and hard work. Hormones raced around bodies at different rates and no two days was the same mood. How anyone put up with me as a moody teenager I will never understand? Oh yeah that’s right …they didn’t.
Dating in early adult life was when you thought you knew it all. There were no stresses of life and everything in our lives was centred on finding the one. Work or college was just the boring thing you did in the daytime and all you lived for was the weekend. Finding someone was relatively easy – pubs and clubs were the places to be: full to the brim they were.
That for some was the start of their happy ever after, but as we know life doesn’t always work the way we think it will. There are divorces, those who never found the one and not had their happy ever afters. This brings us a new category of daters, the ‘later daters’. There is nothing wrong with the later daters, they’re just the same as the all the other daters looking for love. It’s just they may have been through a divorce, a bereavement or they may have children (complete with ex husbands/wives). Dating for the later daters isn’t an easy path. There aren’t suddenly extra hours in the day; all the housework, jobs and children still need full attention. Even the pub/club scene has changed. People don’t seem to go to them as much now there are smoking bans and money is tight. Not to mention most of your same aged friends are probably all coupled up and not wanting to trawl through endless pubs hoping you find the one. When you’re a later dater looking for another later dater is like looking for that needle in the haystack.
Thankfully there is hope, there is online dating, through easy to use sites such as eHarmony UK. In our modern day time is short, time is precious. We do everything by the modern convenience of all time, the computer. We buy everything from books to weekly groceries via the computer. We can speak to long last Great Aunt Whatshername living miles away and we can fill out a form and find out who would suit us and could be our own happy ever after. It’s never too late to find love, and if you want to start your own love story, click here to start connecting with other like-minded ‘later daters’.
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