No everyone isn’t talking in some secret code that no one let you in on. Sometimes reading some of the dating profiles can be like trying to untangle a coded message. When I was doing online dating the only code you needed learn back the was LOL, M, F and that was about it . Now there is a whole string of codes. I so wish there had been thought of years ago. Would have made my online dating life so much easier and less ‘surprising.’
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A Asian
AKA Also Known As
B Black
BBW Big Beautiful Woman
BDSM Bondage/Discipline/Sadomasochism
Bi Bisexual, see Bisexual Dating Sites
C Christian, see Christian Dating Sites
CPL Couple
D Divorced, see Divorce Support
D&D free or D/D free Drug and disease free
DTE Down to earth
F2F Face to Face
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
F Female FtM Female-to-male transgendered
FYI For Your Information
G Gay, see Gay Dating Sites
GBM Gay black male
G/L/B/T or GLBT Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgendered
GSOH Good sense of humor
GWM Gay white male
H Hispanic
HNG Horny Net Geek
HWP Height/weight proportionate
IR Interracial, see Interracial Dating Sites
IRL In Real Life
ISO In search of
J Jewish
K Kids
L Lesbian, see Lesbian Dating Sites
LD Light drinker
LDR Long Distance Relationship
LDS Latter Day Saints (Mormon)
LS Legally separated, or Light smoker
M Male
MBA Married but available
MBC Married black couple
MM Marriage minded
MSM Men seeking men, or Men who have sex with men
MSW Men seeking women
MtF Male-to-female transgendered
MWC Married white couple
NA Native American
NBM Never been married
ND or N/D Non-drinker, No drinking, or No drugs
N/Drugs No drugs
NK or N/K No kids
NS or N/S Non-smoker
P Professional, or Parent
NRE New Relationship Energy
PA Personal Attachment or Pleasing Appendage
PC Politically Correct, Personal Computer
PD Public Display of Affection
PDA Public Display of Affection
POSSLQ Person of opposite sex sharing living quarters
RL Real Life, i.e. not online
S Single
SBF Single black female
SBiF Single bisexual female
SBM Single black male
SD Social drinker
SGL Single
SI Similar interests
SO Significant Other
SOH Sense of humor
STDs Sexually transmitted diseases
STR Straight
SWF Single white female
SWM Single white male
TG Transgendered
TLC Tender loving care
TS Transexual
TV Transvestite
VBD Very bad date
W Widowed or White
w/ With
WAA Will answer all
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