When I was young …..hang on I just realized I can’t say younger anymore because I am not young anymore..pauses to feel proper old. Any way when I was really really young I remember feeling sad when my rabbit died, mother told me it was just a matter of time. When I wanted my boobs to grow, mother said it would take time. When my boobs finally did grow and I was a teen I got said when I was dumped by my boyfriend, again my mother said it would take time. It seemed so unfair that everything was going to take time. Time as a kid is not like the time you have as an adult. Time as kid was endless. Time as a kid is almost so slow we think it should have a cruelty sticker on it. Spare time was hours and hours kicking around in the park while you waited for tea and even sitting down to tea took forever. There was hours of just sitting doing nothing wondering what to do. Six weeks summer holidays felt like six months. And when you were a kid you thought you would never get old because that was just so far away.
Then before you knew it the time went and then you found yourself chasing your own tail just to find the time to catch your breath for 5 minutes. You find yourself getting up before everyone else so that you get a few more things done before you attack the day. At the end of the day when you finally fall into bed you find yourself wishing there were more hours in the day so that you can get more done. Your life starts to get over taken by clock watching. You get so good at it that you almost know the time to the second before looking at your watch that you got from The Watch Hut . You have to get kids to school by a certain time which means you get clever in head as you work out what time you have to leave by and what time you all have to be dressed to actually leave on time. Your day can either be a constant clock watch till home time or its a constant race to get it all done before you do the school pick up, on time again of course, before the evening routine. Kids social lives kick off in the evening so your back to watching the time as you drop one kid one place, pop to the supermarket whilst watching the time before picking child up and getting home in time for bath and bedtime.
Then there is the cruel side of time that it likes to play nasty tricks on you. When you want time to rush past …it doesn’t. Every second hangs on slowly begrudgingly moving along for the next second to drag its way past. Then when you want the time to go slowly so you can saver every second it rushes by. The second and minute hand suddenly have turbo fitted and rush by without stopping.
But if all this time has taught me one thing its this. Time is precious. Time can never be got back again and I will never ever, cross my heart and all that, complain when time drags again.
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