Preparing your monthly budget may have you wanting to cut out expenses or winning the lottery, especially if you are a single parent. However, there are several little ways you can save money, which will quickly add up to extra cash in your bank account. With these money saving tips, you can start holding back enough dinero to start a savings account for your family.
1. Opt For Generic Toiletries
When it comes to shampoos and body washes, most of the store-brand products work just as well as the more expensive name brand items. For example, Suave shampoo works to get your hair clean just as well as beauty salon brands. And with their money back guarantee, you owe it to yourself to give the cheaper brands a try! Changing where you shop for your toiletries can also save you money, as dollar stores may offer better prices than big box stores — especially when coupons are used.
2. Utilize Leftovers For Meals
If your children do not mind eating leftovers, you can save money by doubling a few recipes each week. Cook the dish for dinner one night, and store the rest for later in the week. Eating the same meal again prevents you from eating out for lunch or dinner on a busy day. Also, understand that purchasing meat in bulk is usually more affordable than buying smaller packs when you need them — another reason why cooking more than one meal at once is cheaper in the long run!
3. Give Up One Costly Luxury
There are so many added expenses in our budgets today that it’s no wonder we aren’t saving more of our weekly paychecks! Two hundred television channels, expensive cell phone plans with all the bells and whistles, even trash pick up can put a dent in your bank account. These staples we have grown to expect need to become things we can live without in order to save money. Decide on one unnecessary you can downgrade or eliminate in order to save on expenses.
4. Use Coupons And Freebie Websites
Learn all you can about effective couponing so you are sure to save the most money with your clipping. Find out which stores in your area double or triple coupons. Educate yourself on all stores’ coupon policies so you don’t try to use coupon against their rules or lose money on your efforts. Match your coupons with weekly store ads to ensure you get the most savings. Organize your coupons, holding onto them until an item goes on sale for the most savings. Also, check free stuff websites often to score items you need without spending a penny! Also Google some free stuff sites, they offer a huge range of free samples, and even competitions, my favouraite 3 free stuff sites for the best freebies in the UK are, and
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