So the festive season has been and gone and I am sure it gets faster each year. There is more expectation and more monetary value is put on everything and somehow it’s even more of an anticlimax when the last of the tinsel has finally made it up the hoover. We all seem to pass on new year wishes to people with a dazed ‘what on earth just happened to time’ look on our faces.
But its when we get to this time of year I love. I really love the festive build up with all the twinkling lights but the grey January mornings with a hint of new year resolutions hanging in the air just makes me smile. All the endless possibilities, all the dreams and new hopes. Personally, I don’t create New Years Eve resolutions as for me it’s just building myself up for a fall. But I do go about my first week in January making list of the things I would like to achieve the coming year. They can be small things like conquering the airing cupboard for once and all and promise to keep it tidy for a year. Or for a whole month not buy in any shopping and use up the stragglers in the tin cupboard.
For me, for these things to work I add an end so that in my head it’s not forever. how daunting and off-putting when you start something that it might be forever. You can use this trick on anything.
Maybe you want to have a massive clear out of all the rubbish in the house. Instead of starting at the top and working room by room until everyone is totally fed up with you and you’re worn out how about trying just one area on Mondays. Maybe the kitchen countertops or like me my desk. Every Monday I have to make sure my desk is clear. After a few weeks, your into the habit and you can add in another area. And on it goes.
Maybe this coming year will be the year you make it in your dream job? For me, last year was a year of changes and going down new routes which now brings me to a new year of new decisions and thoughts. I have a good friend who has decided this will be her year and is already excitingly checking out units with Pall Mall Estates so that she can finally have the storage space for her new little business. Such an exciting time for her.
I am still working on getting a workspace that is productive until I have made my decisions. I’ve already worked out that I need music to zone out too and as old-fashioned as it is Classic FM is the station that gets me working. My desk is the right size and not too big it gets cluttered as I am prone to filling spaces if they are empty then spend more time tidying it. I am also considering a standing desk in the lounge as sitting all day isn’t good for you.
What is your must-haves for your desk area?
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