With the A level results out today and children returning to schools and colleges in a few weeks time, I thought we would have a quick look at what financial support could be available to help cover educational costs.
If your child is at school or college and 16 or over you may still get Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit up till their 20th birthday if they are in non-advanced education.
What is non advanced education? GCSE, A level, AS level, NVQ up to level 3, GNVQ up to intermediate level and any course that is not advanced education.
So what is advanced education? A degree or postgraduate level curse, a teaching course, a diploma of higher education, an HND or HNC of the Business Technology Education Council or Scottish Qualifications Authority or any course that is higher than an advanced GNVQ or equivalent, OND, A level or Scottish national qualification .
The rules for benefit entitlement when a child is a full time or part time student are complicated. In some cases student income from grants, loans or bursaries may be taken into account for means tested benefits.
Turn2us have a benefits and students section that can give you more information and help.
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