I blame the Christmas tree for a sudden flurry of craftiness this month. Having to totally rethink my lounge, which is also the dining room and my office space, to fit the tree in meant a good clear out. Stuff got moved from the lounge to the ‘sort it one day’ cupboard. Which in turn meant a few boxes of stuff went to the garage. This lead to a rummage in the garage which turned up a lovely piece of purple velvet I had long forgotten about and an old picture frame that I had broken the glass in ages ago. By cheer spooky coincidence I was having a read over at Red Ted Art about drying orange slices and I spotted an article about making a fabric notice board. One old telly tubbies towel, several stables and a bits of ribbon later, I created my master piece that is perfect for my office corner of the lounge.
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Being in the crafty mood I then decided to make a twig tree to go in the hallway for Christmas. It’s normally just the lounge that gets christmasfied so this is a bit of a first. I then decided to evolve it into a Christmas wish tree.
I managed to find several small branches on a walk and spayed them silver (Wilkios do gold and silver spray cans at £2 each). I left them as big as I could so that I could tweak and trim once in place.
I then got all glued up and covered them in glitter. Luckily I did this in the garage as now the garage floor and my boots are covered in glitter.
I found a glass square vase and put the branches in and then filled the vase with red pot-pourri to keep the branches still.
I asked the kids to name Christmas wishes and made them into gift tags. I think my kids may be pushing the wish boundaries a tad as one wants to be a superhero and the other wants a horse.
I then added some silver sleigh bells to keep in the red and silver theme and they we have a Christmas Wish Tree.
Wow! Your notice board came out SOOOO well! I am dead impressed! Go you.
Thank you. Problem is its too nice to cover it with notices lol