Just over a year ago, in a hope to hold on to my last bit of sanity, I started working part-time in my local corner shop. I absolutely love it. Its only part-time so I have enough time to do all the others things I want to do. Its only part-time so doesn’t affect my M.E too much ( well if I behave and pace myself the rest of the time that is) It’s also literally across the road so the commute to work is a dream.
One thing though is starting to amuse me. Well I say amuse me, I don’t think it offends me but some times it confuses me. I get called names. Not nasty names like school yard names, but names like honey or babe. The customers vary in ages to cover just about every age but this name thing isnt just the elderly gents. They all just about do it. If it was just the elderly gents I would ‘get it’ as it’s an old school types of thing. Oh and it seems to be more a man thing then a girl thing.
The last few days I have been taking more notice. In the last few days I have been called babe, hon,duck, honey, love, darlin, darling, mate and baby. Oh and chicken. Yes chicken. When its the elderly gents its quiet endearing and rather sweet. The middle-aged chaps are obviously in training for when they get old and still comes across okish. But the teens, that’s when it starts to sound patronizing. I am sure they don’t mean it to be patronizing but it just comes across wrong.
So I am interested in what you think? Is it ok and whats the weirdest thing you been called?
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