Ok so you been dumped (or you want to know what to do if it happens again). It can be one of the most painful things to experience. I know I have been through natural childbirth and that was a piece of cake compared to a broken heart. The best thing for your sanity, I promise, is to use some breakup etiquette. (Some of this might not apply if you have been caught sleeping with his mate, half the football team or anything else that’s not good behaviour)
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I know it’s hard not to take it personally when some you have counted on turns and says they don’t want to see you again. But it doesn’t mean you are broken in any way. The relationship was broken and he is telling you that it’s not right for him anymore. Respect that he has feelings and he is just being honest.
If he has come out with the ‘we will still be friends line’, it doesn’t mean he might change his mind. He is probably trying to ease his own conscience. Before you even house the idea of trying to be friends you need distance, time and to heal. Then decide if his friendship is what you want.
Don’t contact him. No, you don’t really need to. Take all his details out of your phone. Box up anything of his or reminds you of his into a box and store away in the garage. No, this doesn’t mean leaving it on the lawn to ruin his prize book collection in the rain. Remember you’re a nice person really and right now your emotions are ruling your normally sane mind.
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Call closest friends. They will be your support system through the tough days. And if you’re wailing at the screen that you don’t have any friends or that none of your friends understand then email me. I understand, I will answer and I have been there.
These are just a few quick points but the main thing is to do even though your heart is breaking in two and you really don’t want to be hearing the news, muster every bit of strength you can and hold your head up high. Walk away with dignity. Or at very least till you’re out of sight before you start crying your heart out.
I have since written a more in-depth post about Dating for Single Parents if you would like to read more.
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Can i just say ugh post has made my day thank you for frank honestl advice yes iv just been dumped but your right im ok