You’ll all be pleased to hear that Mother has had her two casts off. Yayyy. If you missed the excitement, I think it was on twitter, here is a quick update. Dear old Mother had been visiting some friends when she turned and promptly fell, or threw herself according to Father, down some steps. Not being too stable on the old pins since both knee replacements, she injured herself a beauty. Off to the local A&E, who don’t do too much and true to form, said she had bruised her ribs, scrapped her nose and broke her right wrist. Yes before you ask she is right handed and a crafter like me so bring on the no crafting misery. A&E said she had to go down to the main hospital the next day for her wrist to be plastered. We were all rather surprised to see a picture on facebook the next day with Mother with her right arm in a red plaster cast and her left arm in a blue plaster cast. No the NHS weren’t doing a special offer on a BOGOF; she had indeed broken both wrists.
The scary thing about all this is that this is what is yet to come for all of us. Luckily Mother has Father at home to run around and look after her; though I did hear reports he had bought her a large pair of marigolds. I am not even going to ask. But when we all get into that glorious age bracket they call ‘elderly’ what help can we hope or expect to get? The only elderly people I knew were my father’s parents, my Grandparents. There were no mod cons to help them on a day to day basis. There was the infamous walking stick that doubled up as some many other things and the rail by the bath but that is all the help I can remember them having.
Father has started tweaking their home already. They have the ‘him and hers’ walking sticks already. Sadly they won’t be having a stair lift like this as they live in a bungalow; I was soo looking forward to playing with that one. They recently had fitted a contraption that helps mother in and out of the bath as she insists showers aren’t natural. Looks rather odd but she is happy so it must be doing the job. And I dread they day they purchase his and hers mobility scooters. I shudder at the thought but I promise I will give everyone fair warning when that day comes.
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