Self-confidence is something that everyone needs to get through life successfully and happily. When you lack the confidence you need, other people pick up on it quickly. This makes them pass you by for many things such as promotions, dates, and party invitations. In fact, it’s almost like you’re invisible because you do nothing that makes you stand out from the pack. Rather, you fade into the woodwork. There are ways, however, to build up your self-confidence and the more you practice the ... VIEW POST
Steps to Building Self-Confidence
Secrets to Gaining Self-Confidence
Typically, most people feel a bit shy when they first enter unfamiliar situations. However, there are many people that have such low self-esteem that they cannot even function under strange circumstances. These people are the ones that really need to work on building up their self-confidence so that they can explore more of a future that will let them expand into other areas. Happily, there are some secrets that will help them do just that. Have a look at the following ideas to aid you in ... VIEW POST
Happy Problems
So I have been on my weight loss journey about 4 months now. After a slow start with Weight Watchers and then the help of a major life change that completely rebooted my whole life I can say I am no longer 11 stone whatever I am now in the 10 stone something zone. I haven't been this weight for many years. My little app thing says I am still on target to reach my goal by Christmas, so it's going to be one heck of a Christmas this year. I am still running up and down my lounge wearing out the ... VIEW POST
Running Journey Day Cant Remember
Ok well, I had hoped to be posting about a run outside, you know like pounding the streets like a proper runner. But I cant as I haven't. But I did give it a whirl. Confidence isn't quite up to the level needed to do anything running wise in the streets really. Though I am getting there as I've had to go through my wardrobe as most of my clothes aren't fitting anymore. This, of course, is a really happy problem and I am not complaining at going from size 18 to only have one pair of 14 jeans that ... VIEW POST
Lets Get Lycra Right Up
So with all this running, it does mean I am looking at Lycra in a whole new light. When I first had the notion to put a foot in front of the other faster than normal I dusted off my trusty old running trainer I had bought years ago and purchased some running capris. Oh and 2 tops that wicked, not that I knew what wick meant. Now my trusty tops and capris are just fine when I remember to put them on the right way round. The tops are getting baggier too which is a boost to the old ... VIEW POST
This isn’t as good as it gets there is so much more to it all now
It's a life learning thing that your merrily skipping along in life and you're thrown a curve ball. Even if you are expecting it, it can still be a hell of a shock. Lots of emotions follow from euphoric happiness to hatred with hundreds in between. Curve balls knock the life out of you, literally, but sometimes that it was you need to get you to relook at your life and ask yourself 'what do you want now'. How often, when you are ticking by on this life journey stuff, do you stop and question ... VIEW POST
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