Let’s be real for a second: being a single mum is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle—on a tightrope! There are days when just keeping the kids alive feels like a victory, let alone keeping the house tidy. So, if your home looks like a tornado passed through (again), you’re in the right place. Don’t worry; I’m not about to suggest turning your living room into a Pinterest-worthy sanctuary overnight. We’re going for manageable here. Let’s dive into some easy (and a little fun) ... VIEW POST
Getting Organized as a Single Mum: Tips for Decluttering and Simplifying Your Life
How Eco Friendly Are You? Eco-Friendly Checklist
Do you believe you are earth-conscious? You are out there doing your part to save the planet and live a sustainable life. You are the expert of all of your friends when it comes to being eco-friendly. Are you sure you're doing all you can? Take this self-evaluation to determine just how eco-friendly you are. * Use fluorescent light bulbs in your home. * Turn off electronics at night (TV, computers, radios, etc.). * Turn off lights when you leave a room. * Don't rinse dishes before ... VIEW POST
10 Tips for Eco-Friendly Laundry
When you make the choice to live a green life, you can't forget to take steps to turn the laundry eco-friendly. This might be one of the easiest areas to go green, but it's definitely going to require lifestyle changes. But if you follow these tips you can have an eco-friendly laundry room. 1. Water temperature - Just heating the water to wash your laundry uses a lot of energy. But it's such an easy solution to turn that dial to cold and save on energy. And if you're concerned that your ... VIEW POST
Decluttering Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Saying Goodbye to Sentimental Stuff
We all have those items we would hate to lose, whether it’s an old collection of love letters or a cuddly stuffed animal you slept with as a child. The problem is, even those items become clutter when there’s too much of it. How do you tidy up without losing those memories? Make Use of the Scanner When going through old papers and essential documents, start by deciding which items are worth keeping. Scan and upload those documents to a service that will hold a backup you can’t possibly lose. ... VIEW POST
5 Hacks for Staying Decluttered
Decluttering your home is the easy part of the equation. Keeping it decluttered can be another matter entirely. How do you manage the mess before it happens so you can keep your home feeling the way it does after tidying up? It starts with building some good habits geared toward staying decluttered. Here are the hacks to get you started: Put Decluttering on Your Calendar Scheduling time to declutter your home every day makes it part of your routine—you’ll get in the habit of tidying as you go. ... VIEW POST
Kick Clutter to the Curb Once and for All
Decluttering can feel like an eternal problem. No matter how many times you set out to do it, it seems clutter tends to overtake you again. If this is your problem, it’s time to reconsider first how you see clutter. It’s time to kick the clutter habit to the curb once and for all! Read on to see how you can be clutter free. Change your Point of View If you live in a disaster zone, like an area that experiences floods or wildfires, chances are you already have a plan in place of what you would ... VIEW POST
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