As you make plans to organize and declutter your home, you will probably want to do as much research as possible in order to get an idea of what you like. By looking at several different places for inspiration, you will get clear ideas of what you do and do not like. By looking extensively and collecting ideas, you will have enough information to decide on an appropriate way to manage the mess in your home, and create a new space you love. Pinterest Pinterest is a great place online ... VIEW POST
Where to Find Ideas for Home Organization
When Did You Last Wear That?
When it comes to clothing, most of us have far more than we really need. If you take a good, honest look through your closet, you will find that you have much more than you use. In fact, most people wear only a small percentage of their clothing over and over, and neglect the rest. Why You Should Declutter Clothing Having too much of anything takes up not only physical space in your home, but mental space as well. When you are looking for something to wear, having too much clothing ... VIEW POST
Tips on How to Sort Out That Messy Drawer
Desks are one of the most difficult places to organize. The drawers in them, as well as other drawers around the home, can be a challenge to get in proper order. If you have a drawer that you struggle to shut, and cannot find anything in when you need it, here are some ideas to help you get started on the path to drawer organization. Begin with an Empty Slate Instead of trying to clean within a mess, your first step should be to simply remove everything that is in the drawer. Take out ... VIEW POST
Tips for Differing Standards of Tidiness within a Household
Family life and having roommates are both rewarding, but each can also be a challenge at times. One of these times is when you are trying to find a balance between keeping everyone happy in areas where they differ. When some members of your household are neat freaks, and others are more suited to audition for a hoarding television show, it is not an easy task for everyone to live together. Here are some tips on how your household members of various levels of organization can dwell peacefully ... VIEW POST
Prioritize Your Declutter Project – One Area at a Time
If you have not decluttered recently nor maintained since your last purge, it can be quite a task to get things back under control. Thankfully, there are many ways to go about this while keeping your sanity. By organizing and decluttering one section of your home at a time, you can tidy up in a manageable way. Here is how to do it. Prioritize Areas First, sit down with a notebook and divide your home into rooms. Include non-rooms such as hallways and the entryway. Decide which room ... VIEW POST
How to Keep Your Home Free of Clutter in the Future
Decluttering is a little like losing weight. No matter how well you deal with your problem in the beginning, it will keep coming back unless you understand the concept of maintenance. If you have gone to the bother of decluttering your home and making it more minimalist and free of mess, here are some tips on how to keep it that way so that you never have to have another moment of panic as you view a home that looks like a bomb exploded there. Regular Maintenance This step refers to ... VIEW POST