Easy and relatively quick money hacks that might help you take control of your money. You could build a nice little sum by registering with cashback websites like topcashback.co.uk or quidco.com. Simply click on your favourite retailers and shop like you would normally do. You earn a small percentage of your purchases. It may be a small percentage but if you keep at it by the end of the year it could be a nice little sum. If you do online banking you can set up an alert to your mobile when ... VIEW POST
Easy and relatively quick money hacks that might help you take control of your money
The New Scams Out There …
Scammers are always on the lookout for on a new angle to try and scam you. So it pays to be one step ahead and to keep your wits about you. They pretend to be someone they aren't. They may say they are from the police, bank or any other legitimate organization. They go on to trick you into giving them your personal details. They might use the angle that there has been a security issue on your account and give you details of your new account and then ask you to transfer your money over to ... VIEW POST
Making Money The Grown Up Way
If you search the good old tinterent the term ' earn extra money' you get a staggering 670,000,000 results. It will probably be more tomorrow and even more next week. But not all those results will give you anything you could actually do. Now I haven't quite read all 670,000,000 pages but I being skint myself I have read a fair few of them. As I came across new ideas that could be worked on I've made notes. When I was a kid I think everyone in their street had a lady who let her spare room ... VIEW POST
Brrrrr Its Getting Cold – Applied for your Warm Home Discount?
So the Met office has uttered the word 'snow' and we have weather predictions left and right claiming arctic blasts, severe weather and yetis. Ok maybe not the yetis. But it is definitely colder. I know I am not the only one who hasn't got the heating on permanently and won't be able to because its too expensive. Blankets are out. Layers are on. Candles dug out. Yes candles, not in case the lights go but its surprising how much heat they give out. There is help for some people with the ... VIEW POST
Tips to Save Money
With money tight and it set to get even tighter I thought I'd share some of the ways I save money. Yes some of these are bit obvious and said often but they might be new to someone . Pay off your balances on credit cards each month to avoid finance charges. One step better is not to use credit cards at all. The only times it makes more sense to use the card is when you 0% interest on purchases or cash rebates. Take your own snacks and drinks when you go to the cinema. Going to the cinema ... VIEW POST
Tax Credits Change- Will You Be Worse Off?
Next April Tax Credits are changing. Despite my question last week on which should I reduce, electric or food, the PM hasnt let me know his thoughts ( funny that ). So the changes are happening and you may be wondering if it will effect you. [bctt tweet="In short anyone receiving tax credits with a household income above the new threshold of £3,850 will receive less in tax credits from April than they do now. "] Mr Osborne says that with the introduction of the National Living Wage, tax ... VIEW POST
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