There are many places online that would love for you to sign up for some expensive program to improve your credit. In some cases and for some people this may be a great option. Just make sure that you carefully investigate all offers before signing up for them. You also need to realize that most credit repair can be done simply by you right at home for free, and that is the number one credit repair tip I can give you. A lot of times people like to hire some credit counselor primarily because ... VIEW POST
Improving Your Credit Score
Are You Ready To Finally Get Your Finances Back On Track In 2020?
Image Source: Pixabay CC0 License As we enter a new decade, regaining financial control is a goal shared by millions. There’s no doubt that you will endeavour to implement positive changes. Still, you should remember that only a thorough approach to the challenge will generate a transformation. Here are 10 simple steps that will lead you down the path to success in 2020 and beyond. 1| Find Your Motivation You will never achieve financial ... VIEW POST
How to Save Money at the Supermarket in 2020
Take a look at all the places where you spend money in your day-to-day life, and you'll often find that the supermarket is where you lose a lot of your cash. Whether you're the kind of person who can't resist buying some extra snacks when you're at the checkout counter, or you're always re-buying the things that you already have at home because you don't have a list, you could be missing out on some vast money-saving opportunities. With 2020 just around the corner, now is the perfect time to ... VIEW POST
How to Make Buying a Car Affordable
Image Pexels CCO License Single parents often find themselves short of two things; one of them is money, and the other is time. There never seems to be enough hours in the day when you are single-handedly responsible for running a household, which can mean that you are forever rushing from place to place. All of this rushing around is made even more difficult when you don’t have a car and are reliant on public transport. Owning a car brings with it independence ... VIEW POST
Steps you Can Take to Become More Financially Independent
Reaching financial independence ultimately means being able to live comfortably without any debt. This is easier said than done, but if you know the steps that you need to take then you can seriously increase your chances. Budget Tracking your finances is the best way for you to start your journey. You have to measure your income and you need to monitor your expenses. It also helps to create some goals. This could include paying half of your debt by the time you are 30 or even making the ... VIEW POST
3 Ways To Make Ends Meet
There are a lot of struggles that you are going to go through in life, particularly if you have a family to look after, but none are quite so pervasive or worrying as the financial ones. If you find that you have a lot of frequent financial concerns in your life, and you are keen to try and do something about it, then there are plenty of steps that you might want to take in order to be sure of that. In particular, you will want to think about how you are going to make ends meet every month, ... VIEW POST
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