There are various different options when it comes to purchasing a car particularly if you can’t afford to pay for it outright. You can borrow from friends and family, or there are lots of different loans available from companies, such as payday loans and mortgages (depending on what you need the loan for). You can also buy things like a car using lease hire, where you pay monthly rather than all at once. Here, we compare loans and leasing to see which is the best option for you. Payments and ... VIEW POST
To Loan or To Lease? What You Need to Know if You are Thinking of Getting a Car
You Can Afford The Car Of Your Dreams
No matter how important your car is to you, or whether or not you are a particularly keen and confident driver, chances are you have some kind of an idea about what car you would rather drive, compared to others. It might even be that you have a dream car - and if you do, you might feel that it can be a bit of a struggle to make it yours. One of the main things that appears to get in the way here, of course, is the financial side of things. You might feel that you can’t afford your dream car in ... VIEW POST
Getting Out Of The Red And Increasing Your Credit Rating
Image by InspiredImages from Pixabay If your credit application denied, it feels horrible. You might feel ashamed and embarrassed but, don't worry as all is not lost and it doesn't mean that you'll be getting denied forever. There are always alternative places to try who will give to people with bad credit and, for life's big purchases, you can use companies like Quick Car Credit who will provide a speedy response. You should feel safe in the fact that there are ways to ... VIEW POST
Five Fantastically Frugal Family Tips
When you are a parent and busy with raising a family and living life, the costs can keep rising; there are always lots of things to be paying for, and many of which are just the basics to keep you going. Which is why having a few tips and tricks to help you to save money on everyday purchases, as well as on the luxury items that make life sweet, can be just the thing. Why pay more for something if you don’t have to? Budgeting is one of the main things that all households need to do, ... VIEW POST
Managing Your Money As A Single Parent
Photo by Daria Obymaha from Pexels Being a single parent comes with all sorts of unique challenges, especially financially. Raising children is not cheap, and in a two=parent household, there are usually two incomes to handle this, and even then, there are struggles. So, if you are on your own, there are things you can do to try and ease your financial stress and here are a few tips on how to budget and make the most of each month. When looking at budgeting, the two ... VIEW POST
Single Mum and Debt Worries
Being a single mum and struggling or trying to cope with money problems is hard. I know as I am one of them. According to a survey held last year, our top worries are getting out of debt, putting food on the table and paying the rent or mortgage on time. It becomes an endless task working out which to pay when there is enough money to pay all three. I know this as I sat only this morning trying to figure out how to do it myself. The biggest mistake though is not facing the problem or not trying ... VIEW POST
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