Blogging has been a part of my life for the past 10 years. From the very first word to typing this I have enjoyed every single minute. There is something about blogging that can get right under your skin. If you try it you will get bitten by the bug too or its not your thing. There is something so lovely about being able to blog about something you are passionate about that keeps you buzzing. Can Blogging Change Your Life? If you want it to - yes. It can be just a hobby if you want and ... VIEW POST
Have You Thought About Blogging?
Why It Is Important For Your Child To Learn Independence
When it comes to parenting, we naturally want nothing but the best for our children, throughout all walks of life. As they grow up, we cater to their needs in order to show how much we love them and treasure their happiness. However, as hard as it may seem, when children begin to go to school, we have to learn to let them gain independence and tackle challenges on their own. Perhaps the last major decision you will have to decide on is whether to send them to a private school like one in the ... VIEW POST
How to Run a Business From Home
If you're a fellow mum considering venturing into the blogging world, you may be unsure where to start, or perhaps you're wondering how you can find time to work from home when you have children. With that in mind, I thought I would share with you some of the tips and tricks that I've learnt from working at home as a blogger while also being a busy mum. Create A Workspace Before we get into the details, I cannot over stress the importance of having your own set working area. Whether ... VIEW POST
When You Have A Book You Can Be Anywhere
I have a dream. It's me sitting on a beach, one of those with white sands, with the sea crystal clear at my feet. I have a book in my hand as I read and it's peaceful. In reality, I haven't been on holiday for many years and I don't see that changing anytime soon. The white sand would probably stick to me in the heat and it would itch. The sea would probably be cold or have sea weed floating around and as for the peacefulness? Yeah me and all the other holiday makers hoping for the same. But ... VIEW POST
Boredom and Treat Jars
Summer holidays are fast approaching and as were not lucky enough to have wall to wall guaranteed sunshine, I am sure you will hear the immortal words 'I'm Bored' a few hundred times. When my children were that age they knew if they said the 'bored' word they were given a refuse bag and made to go fill it from there bedroom. Life is more sophisticated these days and I so wish I had thought of these back then. Bored and treat jars. Print off the instantly downloadable pdf, get busy with the ... VIEW POST
Spring Forward
It’s getting to that time of year again when the clocks go forward an hour and everyone struggles for weeks to know if they are hungry now or not and when they should go to sleep to get their body clock forward an hour. Oh, and children ask continually what time is it really. Do yours do that too? Earth Hour falls at the end of March too. This is a worldwide movement organised by the WWF and its t encourage everyone to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol of ... VIEW POST