Teenagers now have the ability to earn money through part-time jobs, summer jobs, and apprenticeships. Some will spend every last penny on 'stuff' which you can't see the point of, some will save every penny for a big purchase but a lot will try and save, fail drastically and spend the lot and then start saving again. Teaching Teenagers To Save Money With bank accounts, cards and lifestyles choices like hobbies or cars, teenagers need to be street savvy with money a lot earlier in ... VIEW POST
Guide to Building a Positive Relationship with Your Teen
Welcome to this In-Depth Guide to Building a Positive Relationship with Your Teen. In this post, I will outline strategies for dealing with even the most troublesome challenges. The teen years can be particularly challenging due to teen rebellion. Knowing what to expect and how to deal with it can mean the difference between maintaining a close relationship and driving a wedge between you and your child. Setting clear boundaries is essential. You might dread this because you fear it will ... VIEW POST
10 Common Misconceptions about Teenagers
More often than not, the older generations categorize every teenager as the same, which is not all true. Although teenagers share the same similarities quite often, there are still a whole lot of misconceptions about them that don’t even describe them. Teenage behavior is the same all over the world Although the younger generation tends to be more open, straightforward and spontaneous, it doesn’t mean that all of them (or even most) act like that. No, definitely not. I do have a post of 5 ... VIEW POST
Kids And Screens
In the shop, I loose count a number of customers who struggle to look up from their phones as I serve them. They just continue scrolling, tapping or even talking on the phone. It's not just youngsters but all ages. Well apart from the oldies. As I walk through the town I end up dodging those who have their eyes firmly fixed to their screens and don't even look up to see where they are going. I use to carry on walking in a sadistic way so that they would bump into me and learn. Well of ... VIEW POST
Effects of Single Parenting – Positives
Things never stay the same, society changes and so does family dynamics. Opportunities and resources are now more available than they ever were. No longer do people have to stay in relationships that don’t work. In relationships that are toxic or dangerous. So, whilst 50 years ago, you were an outcast if you were a single parent, nowadays its more accepted. The ideal is that a child is brought up in a loving 2 parent family. But this ideal isn’t always easily achieved. We don’t all make the ... VIEW POST
3 Things Your Teen Needs to Hear From You
They may act all tough and like they know it all. They may even act as if they don't care two hoots about anything. They may even only contact in you're a series of grunts and eye movements. But there are 3 things your darling little teen needs to hear from you. Even when you're feeling like crawling under the nearest cushion and never trying to talk to them again, you need to be saying these 3 things. 1 - That You Love Them, No Matter What - this may be the last thing you want to ... VIEW POST