Being a single parent uses up every ounce of your juggling skills and if you missed the juggling classes you soon get a crash course in the art of doing 6 things at once as well as more worrying than humanly possible for one person. One of the things that I really worried over, and still do, is my parenting style. Not the designer gear sort of style complete with matching accessories but more the 'how you parent' sort of style. When my second child came along there was the how to get down the ... VIEW POST
Selling Gold
If there is something that really annoys me its cheesy ads on the TV. I was bored the other night and instead of watching TV I seemed to spend my evening flicking the channels, just in time for every advert on every channel. The ones that get me at the moment are the ‘send us your gold we pay you money’ adverts. You know the ones I mean, the ones that get you to sell gold, there are loads of them. So many I lost count, the only one I remembered was postal gold and that’s only because their ... VIEW POST
Single Parent Benefits
I frequently get asked what single parent benefits are available to claim. Well, there are a few but before you get excited and think you will be rolling in money and not have to work, be prepared for a downgrade in this assumption. And probably a downgrade in most things in your life. The media portrayal that a single parent on benefits is raking it in is just a myth. The advice given here is aimed at single mums, however, the official sites to get the most up to date information for all ... VIEW POST
Coping as a Single Mum
So how do you cope as a single mum? Well, it's no secret that it's not easy. It's hard work, unrewarding on a daily base and liable for several ups and downs. I am often found wishing the world to stop spinning for a moment as I am sure this isn't the life I ordered. But if I, who am unorganised, scatty and thinks way too much for any healthy person, can do it then I have every faith in you being able to do it. The key, I found, was to stop panicking that I couldn't do it. So my first bit ... VIEW POST
Is a Divorce Really the Answer
You feel your marriage has hit an all-time low but not sure if you want a divorce? Often after a divorce, people will look back and say they wished they had tried harder. Divorce isn't an easy option and you should be really sure as possible before going down this route. It can be costly not just in money terms but emotionally too. If possible try couples counseling. Talking to a third impartial party can help and then after counseling you decide you do want a divorce then at least you know ... VIEW POST
Telling the Children
Telling the children about your intended separation or divorce is never going to be easy. You might not be able to choose when you tell them but if you are able to try and not tell them when something important is happening in their lives like exams. Ideally the pair of you will sit down with all the children and talk to them. Sadly this may not be the case and you might have to deliver the news single handed. ... VIEW POST