I can’t believe how quick Christmas is coming. All the big department stores have rolled out their adverts. The battle to tug at your heart-strings has started. Cute penguins seem to be the flavor this year as one cute little fellow is feeling lonely and we watch his heart melt at his new companion is revealed. Got to admit the advertisers are rather good at what they do but they setting the bar higher and higher each year.
I am a big Christmas fan but I am more into the run up to Christmas and all the preparation that goes into it. I take days putting decorations up, tweaking them and in my daughters words ‘going a big berserk with it all’ . I’m not into the modern stuff but more oldy more traditional sort. If funds are available I would like new decs this year. Oh and new lights as the led white ones last year gave me such a headache.
My children are too old to write letters to Santa but lists are being made. The usual pony is on my daughters list. I think its been on there for the last 10 years at least. I am fast learning that the bigger the children get the bigger the list gets, or to be more accurate the bigger the price total gets. I do most of the Christmas shopping online. As much I love the Christmas atmosphere I don’t love it when it’s in the shops. People are arguing, you get all hot and bothered with the shop heaters on full blast and they have always run out of the things I want . I do one big shop, online, one afternoon in the comfort of my pj’s with a Christmas film playing in the background. As always it has to be done on a budget so I check out www.voucherbin.co.uk first to get vouchers first then shop-away.
Every year the family declare its no presents to save money and Christmas is for kids, and every year we all try to sneak in some homemade presents as they don’t count lol. This year I am going to be hand making some jars for candles ( well they are for my house) and some home-made posh chocolate. Add some pretty packaging and hopefully it will make a lovely gift.Ā
So that’s some of my crafty ideas that will be coming up. What will you be doing?
They are gorgeous aren’t they. These aren’t mine but ones I found via pinterest. Clicking the image will take you to the original post but as yet not got a instructions. when I do mine I will put one up
I look forward to and dread Christmas in equal measures. I have a small budget to buy christmas presents with, and each year it get’s harder to buy gifts that look good for little money. I love the idea of making presents. I think it shows that a lot of thought and love has gone into it. Hopefully my adult children will see it that way too. š
I will definitely give your idea’s a try. xxx