One of the newer craft materials I have come to really enjoy working with is polymer clay. It’s a clay that, well to state the obvious, is made with plastics. I don’t know the exact science of it but I do know it’s like plasticine for adults. But the fun part is you can set it by cooking it and your creative skills stay as they are.
Its popular with those who make dollhouse miniatures and for jewelry making.
I use it to make Christmas tree ornaments and fairy houses. I love making fairy houses. Not something I ever thought I would get into but there you go.
With Christmas a few weeks away I have been looking at my decorations and pondering what to do that’s different for this year. Then it struck me. A Christmas fairy house. One afternoon later and two Christmas fairy houses made.
A quick description of how I made them is below the pictures.
I start with a clean glass jar which has a metal lid. To make the roof I use tin foil and the glue gun. Compacting the tin foil as much as you can helps give a firm base to put your clay on.
If needed I would use cardboard to give added effect to roof bottoms or chimneys and cover that in tin foil too.
To work the roof I put a layer of clay onto the tinfoil then add details.
Same too for the house part. A thin layer then add details . Cut out windows so that a light can shine through.
Polymer is great because if you get called away from your project you can go back to it anytime . It doesn’t go off. I do cover it in a sheet to stop dust getting to it though.
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