When it comes to Christmas I am worse than the kids. This coming Sunday is tree day ( 1st December so the Christmas tree goes up- keep up) and then after that I am just one excited, glitter covered, crafting making Christmas ball of excitement. For me it’s all the traditions and the build up to Christmas that I love, on the actual day I am rather deflated and somewhat exhausted.
So Christmas Traditions, do you have any traditions that you trot out each year and make everyone join in?
Letters to Santa – My two never really got into this one despite my best efforts to get them to. Never stopped them making lists of what they wanted though and then to leave on the side for me to see. They still do them now but things have changed. No longer is it a list of toys and teddies. This years lists included books, books and more books ( son ) and anything from FatFace ( surfer dude daughter). Not that I can blame my daughter. I am so loving some of their shirts, dresses and cardigans at the moment.
Christmas Stockings – I use to have a stocking that magically appeared at the end of my bed. It had the obligatory orange, walnut and a small present of some sort to keep me quit for 5 more minutes. My two never quite got into stockings as they grew up so now they are in there teens and we have lost the Christmas magic and awe I am restarting this tradition. Shhhhh they don’t know though.
Treats for Santa – as my two were growing up we always put out a carrot for Rudolph and a mince pie for Santa. We use to also do Reindeer Food which was bird seed, oats and coloured sugar. Using coloured sugar makes it ok for the birds to eat instead of glitter that might not go down too well. Now they are older these two traditions have sadly fallen by the wayside.
Christmas Candles and Scents – one of my favourites this one. I always have lots of candles lit in the evenings and try to have at least one scented one amongst them.
I have read of a new tradition that I never heard of or thought of before and so wish I had as it’s so simple and so affective. Once the kids have gone to bed and you’re doing that running around like a headless chicken thing, in your wellies stand in some flour then walk through the house. Looks like snowy footsteps. Just magical.
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