In the days of Jane Austen a man would show his preference to a lady by first introducing himself to her family, and try slowly but surely to win her heart by earning the praise of her family. It was a long and sometimes arduous process trying to impress the said lady, and I am sure many gentlemen would have wished it was a tad bit easier to win over the lady.
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That is what was considered ‘dating’ in the old (ok, very old) days. As the years passed and times evolved, men were seen to first try and impress the girl in mind and then tackle the family. After all isn’t it the young lady who has to be convinced this is the right person for her? For this, the man would ask the fairer sex out on a date, most often a meal, where they would shower them with attention, affection, and gifts, and so begin the process of trying to woo the girl. This is how modern methods of dating evolved over the years.
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Dating is a fascinating process. It is the time when both parties involved are trying to understand the other person, and so are on their best behavior at all times. They do not want to show the less-than-perfect side of things and so are always trying to impress the other party and make sure that person realizes how lucky they are to have them in their lives. It is after all the time when two people decide if the other person has the potential to be in their lives for… well forever to look at it in a bit of a corny light! Dating is also when confusion reigns as one of the more prevalent emotions, along with a certain degree of happiness, self-importance (here is someone who thinks what you say is significant) and maybe, for the lucky ones, the initial stages of love.
Dating is considered a good way of getting to know another person, as it is at this time that you learn a lot about how compatible you are with the other person. It can be a fun and exciting process, with both parties flirting and enjoying the each other’s company. If, after going through the dating process, either or both of those involved feel like they would not be able to have a long-term relationship, they end the relationship then and there, which bring us to another good thing about dating – unless really serious, it can be a totally no-strings-attached approach, which significantly reduces the pressure for both, at least at the beginning.
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- Love Inc Press
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dating then and now
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