Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as beauty acupuncture, is a treatment that focuses on enhancing the appearance of facial skin using highly specialised needles addressing different aspects of premature ageing.
There is evident research suggesting that the effectiveness of this very safe, holistic but result-oriented treatment will address not only the symptomatology of skin but the contributing factors that affect ageing skin.
How Does Facial Acupuncture Help?
The treatment assists with targeting fine lines and wrinkles, but particularly aids to energising the skin, improving firmness, enhancing microcirculation and preventing photo-ageing by strengthening the skin’s own ability to resist UV sun exposure.
Its holistic approach is supported by addressing internal factors that may affect the skin’s ageing process, such as digestive intolerances, inflammation, hormone changes, oxidative stress etc.
It will take into account an acupuncture strategy that will treat the relationships of skin with its internal environment and will be balancing external signs with internal signs of ageing.
Conditions such as acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis may be alleviated and treated successfully, which makes the treatment an extremely holistic, therapeutic approach to beauty- enhancing cosmetic intervention.
What Does Facial Acupuncture Involve?
The treatment involves a skin and general health assessment to identify ageing factors and skin concerns.
Highly specialised fine needles for the purpose of facial acupuncture are inserted after thoroughly cleansing the skin, using different techniques according to the particular areas of the face the practitioner is working on.
People often wonder if the treatment works. The skin after micro-injury on deeper layers has an acute response by initiating a healing cascade mechanisms in order to address the injury and regenerate as a natural reaction to any skin injury.
Therefore, skin regeneration process is taking place and, despite this, the results be seen immediately after the treatment, and are accumulative as the skin takes some days to complete the regeneration process.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Benefits:
- Deeply hydrates the skin by increasing activity of skin cells to produce more hydrating actives
- Improves significantly micro-circulation
- Facilitates waste product removal from the skin and/or excess fluids through the local lymphatic circulation
- Improves muscle tone, enhances firmness and redefines facial contour
- Improves collagen and elasticity of the skin through activation of dermal fibroblasts
- Addresses fine wrinkle areas and deeper wrinkles
- Improves facial complexion through better blood circulation and oxygenation of skin
- Improves acne and scarring and addresses the hormonal relationship with skin
- Softens facial tonicity due to stress, targeting specific muscle points affecting their tonicity
- Benefits the elasticity of the facial fascia (connective tissue), promoting muscle elasticity and re-contouring
- Helps with tight jaws (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder – TMJ) due to long-term contraction of the structural components of the jaw joints
- Leaves the patient with a very relaxed feeling and a sense of wellbeing.
The results depend on one’s own body’s ability to respond to the skin stimulation and healing ability. However, the results are noticeable at any age and on every skin type or condition.
Who is the Treatment Appropriate For?
The treatment is also appropriate for people that have had laser or other resurfacing treatments, as the facial acupuncture will speed up the skin regeneration process. It is also advisable for people who had conventional aesthetic treatments, such as Botox or any other injectable procedures, as the treatment will assist on skin remodeling and will not affect the effects of any other procedure.
Each person is unique, with individual needs and concerns, and facial acupuncture addresses and treats the patient on a bespoke basis. Everything from age to the severity of ageing skin and particular health concerns may vary the timeline of visible results. However, the immediate results are very impressive and the patient can enjoy, rejuvenated glowing skin even after the first treatment.
A particular course of treatment based on the individual needs of the person will be in place to maximise the therapeutic outcome successfully, adding cumulative antiageing results.
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