Ok where have the last week or so go? Who pinched time? I do love a good motivational bit of text and I think the most poignant one I’ve read recently is that the most valuable thing you can give anyone is your time because it’s something you never get back again.
So very apt this week as my eldest turned 21. Seriously 21? Where on earth did all those years go? I can’t believe she is 21 but I must admit rather thankful that it’s for her big birthdays for a few years. At 21 I still had to put up balloons or rather a friend had to help as I am petrified of them.
I tried to think back to where was I at 21. I think I was with a chap called Simon and I had been living away from home for 5 years already. I would have been sewing still for the department store and probably a size ‘way to skinny bit thought I was fat’.
Last week was also a time for goal ticking as I decided after years and years of wanting a tattoo what I wanted and went and got it. I am still stunned at myself that I actually did it and must admit to stroking it and grinning to myself that I did it.
This has, in turn, started me on my journey of more goal achieving. There is something very liberating about thinking up and writing down all the things you ever wanted to do but never could till now. Some goals get crossed out again but others get moved to the top and have action plans created. Choices, my choices, are being made and added to the goals too. All very proactive and positive which can only be a good thing.
I can now imagine what a butterfly feels like as it emerges from its chrysalis that had bound it and contained it but was needed to change it from the furry little caterpillar it was to the butterfly it’s going to be.
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