Confessions of a Single Mum is 4 years old today. Hurrah whohohoooo. Clinks the Champaign glasses.
4 years has rushed by so quickly. When I wrote my first blog my son was 10 and my daughter was 12. Life was a tad different then. I worked in an office 40 hours then worked many more hours on my web stuff into the wee small hours. My children weren’t quiet old enough to leave on their own of an eveing so life was rather boring.
Now I have two teenagers, even just saying that makes me feel so old, and my daughter will be 16 in a few weeks. Life has completely changed. I can go out in the evening, though Asda is about as exciting as it gets. But the biggest change is I left the comfy surrounding of an office and a regular wage and went self-employed. Mad choice but also the best choice I have ever made.
So what I have I learnt in the past 4 years?
Kids and Parenting:
Kids grow fast and just when you think you understand them you also realise you actually don’t understand them at all.
You have moments when it scares you how much you love your children and then moments when you’re not sure you actually like them.
You spend half their childhood wishing for 5 minutes peace then the other half wishing they would stay in and talk to you for just 5 minutes.
Pick your battles and only battle the really important ones.
You can’t be their best friend and dish out discipline. Choose which route you want and stick to it. Swapping and changing will only confuse them and it will come round and bite you on the bum.
No one ever said it would be easy.
Life and Stuff:
Life is short, you only get one stab at it and its better say you tried then spend a lifetime wishing you had.
Have a dream and don’t be scared to chase it.
Have a positive outlook and attitude, its far less exhausting then a negative one.
In blogging and having Confessions of a Single Mum I have met the most wonderful people. I have met normal everyday mums who inspire me daily. I have met mums that struggle daily and mums who have it better than most. I have met mums who make cry with laughter and mums who test my patience with their lack of simple manners.
I am honoured to have met them all and hope to meet a lot more.
Great post, and congratulations on your 4 years! Here’s to many more xx
It all goes so very quickly when you look back, and you’re right, the childhood is over before you know it. I now find myself yearning for the things that used to irk me – no little hot bundles clamber into my bed now; we no longer trip over big plastic Early Learning Centre toys as these have been replaced by iPods and Blackberrys; and my kids would roll their eyes at the suggestion of watching the Tweenies together.
It does get easier as they get older, but I can’t help wishing I could turn back the clock, if even for just one day.
Wooh happy birthday! Love the blog!
Wow, four years! Congratulations!
I’m so scared of the growing up thing these kids do