For those who educate at home, learning about the resources at your disposal is extremely helpful. Most homeschooling parents will tell you that you never stop discovering new resources, and new ones are being developed all the time. So this brief overview is not so much a list of resources as a generalized discussion of what’s available, how to find it, and the different types of resources.
It’s a good starting point for those who aren’t sure where to begin in their homeschool research. Homeschool resources are all around you!
Here is some information on home education resources.
The Internet
The internet is a tremendous resource for home educators. You can start your search with “homeschool curriculum review” or “home educators resources overview” and browse the sites that come up. If you want to get more specific, you can search for homeschool resources that fit your child’s interests. If he or she likes horses, for instance, you can look up “homeschool curriculum horses” and see what you find.
The internet is also an invaluable resource for free or inexpensive printables and downloads. Sites like provide downloadable, printable worksheets, lesson plans, unit study ideas, and many other resources.
The Library
Your local library might be very friendly with homeschooling teachers, allowing them to take part in the same advantages as public and private school teachers. Some libraries have a special “teacher card” that allows you to call in and ask the library staff to put together a collection of materials that are relevant to your homeschool unit or subject matter.
Even if you library does not offer this kind of service, the staff can help you find books on a particular subject. Many libraries have homeschool materials like books that teach spelling, math, other languages, and so forth. The best thing to do is go in with an idea or list of what you’d like to check out (at least the basic subject); it can be overwhelming to walk in and try to browse without preparation.
Real Life
Many home educators include their children on “real life adventures” in order to educate them about how the world works. This also includes field trips to local fairs, museums, and other fun and educational events. Including your child on a trip to the store or a on a bus ride is also educational, as you explain and discuss the educational aspects along the way.
If you like, you can take pictures as you do your field trips, then print them at home and make a collage, or have your child write a sentence or paragraph about the experience or one of the pictures.
Purchased Curricula
You can simply purchase an entire year’s or semester’s curriculum if you like. You can review various curricula online and by talking to other homeschoolers. There are paper and online catalogues that list all sorts of curricula available for sale.
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