I think to have only had to go to A&E twice with the kids in the whole of their lives is pretty good. Especially when you consider one horse rides and the other bikes, free runs and scooters and they both surf and ski. It’s good that they are both outdoorsy sporty types and even better that they do all of that with their Dad. It’s much more his scene and not so much mine.
The second A&E trip only happened this weekend. I had my whole Saturday planned and lists written then came the text from my daughter. ‘I’ve heard my foot’. My daughter goes down to the stables every Saturday to see Hector (and every other minute she can spare) to groom, ride, poo pick and all the other horsey things and has done every Saturday for over 18 months. So to see her a bit later hobbling down the garden path I knew it wasn’t something simple.
She was in agony. One of the bigger horses, George, had slipped and skidded into her foot. Her big toe was a going a lovely shade of blue and was swollen. Ice was applied and we waited to see how it went. Nothing improved so it was a trip to A&E. Hours and hours later we emerged with her in crutches and bandaged up with an x-ray appointment in 2 days’ time.
Luckily the x-ray showed nothing had been broken and she is now all back at school hobbling away.
If I ever doubted her passion for horses it was reaffirmed the day after her foot had an argument with the horse. Here she is telling Hector all about it.
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