Writing might be the perfect job for the busy mum, either to earn a few extra pounds or create a significant, full-time income. Since you can write whenever you have free time, this is an ideal of moneymaking outlet for the busy mum who has to stay home watching the kids. Don’t worry, if you have dreams of seeing your name published but don’t have a degree in writing, you don’t need one.
The typical web surfer reads on a 6th to 8th?grade level. Books in print have proven more successful when they are written on the same reading level, especially in the 21st century. Basically put, if you have ideas you can put down on paper, you can make money as a mama working from home. In case you’re worried about your grammar and spelling skills, you can always hire an editor or use software like Grammarly to clean up your work. Here are 3 ways you can turn your writing ability into cash flow.
Become a Content Provider
When you write, your main goal is to do 1 of 3 things.
1. You want to inform
2. You want to sell
3. You want to entertain
Writing about werewolves in space is a form of entertainment. If you are attempting to persuade someone into making a purchase, you are obviously trying to sell something. As a content provider, you are simply informing. There are billions of websites and blogs. The owners of these web properties don’t have the time, inclination or ability to fill their sites with content.
Google rewards consistent, fresh content with free web traffic. This means if you have time on your hands and even a minimal writing ability, there are plenty of people out there that will pay you to write blog posts and articles they publish on their websites.
Making Very Good Money as a Copywriter
As a content provider, once you develop a reputation for delivering decent work, you can expect to make $20 to $30 per hour (US). The difference between content and copy is that content usually just informs, and copy is intended to sell. When you become a good at writing content that persuades people to whip out their credit cards and make a purchase, you can make very good money indeed.
A copywriter is someone who writes with the intent of influencing an immediate action. A copywriter is good at writing content that sells products or gets the reader to take action. An established SAHM copywriter can expect to make $40 per hour to $60 per hour or more, and more once that stay-at-home mum becomes established.
Self?Publishing eBooks and Print on Demand Books
Have you wanted to write a novel? Perhaps you have an idea for a series of fantasy books. Maybe mystery thrillers are more your thing. Any way you slice it, getting published these days is easier than ever before. No longer are you only at the whims of a snooty, picky and arrogant editor at a traditional publishing house if you want to see your book in print. There are options out there for you, whether you would like to publish e-books or physical books.
The stay at home mum can turn to Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and more than a dozen other reputable and significant self-publishing sources. Shorter eBooks (60 to 100 pages) are becoming more popular in the non-fiction arena, meaning that in just 15,000 to 25,000 words you can have a book out there with your name on it. Amazon and other self-publishing sources offer the option of having your book printed in paperback or hardback as well.
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