The summer is on the horizon and, whether it’s for the beach, pool, park or garden you’re going to want to look your very best. Many people – only naturally – pick up a few pounds during the winter and spring, when the Christmas excess and Easter chocolate proves a little too tempting, but now is the time to shed all of that and work at getting your body at its peak for the sunshine.
So what do you need to do now to prepare?
*Diet – What you eat is vital and it is not just a case of cutting things out. You need to consumer fewer calories without going too far as this will impact on your metabolism. Use an online calorie counter and make sure your food contains a good balance of essential nutrients – especially if you’re looking to sharpen those muscles for the summer. Make it an important part of your routine to monitor your calorie intake – and search out filling foods that will help you eat healthily.
*Feel the burn – That extra timber you’re carrying needs to come off before the shorts come out of the wardrobe – and that means burning fat. There’s no point building up your summer six-pack if it’s buried by blubber so you need to set to work and feel the burn.
There’s a whole host of ways to do this – Men’s Fitness, not content with 101, offers 102 ways – and they don’t have to be too difficult. Remember the summer isn’t actually that far away so look for quick, simple-but-effective solutions. If the gym is your thing then get into the habit of going more often, if not look for other ways – such as exercise DVDs – or simply stick on a pair of running shoes and hit the streets. Whatever it is, pinpoint an effective fat burning exercise regime and stick to it.
Check out discovery learning they can teach you to be a personal trainer, nutritionist these are both professions that can help your fitness.
*Smart supplements – The combination of diet and a strong fat-burning workout will be a big help but there’s a balance to be struck to get the mix just right.
If you’re looking for a strong, athletic body for the beach then search out the latest range of supplements at and see how these can help your regime. Don’t replace food with a supplement – the clue is in the name after all – but use them to ensure you get the best possible nutritional balance.
*So you’ve shed the pounds and streamlined – why not go one step further and get a top physique? Once you’ve laid the groundwork with the steps above it’s all about building in strength training – even cheap weights will help – and ab exercises into your regime. Learn a few basic crunches, perfect them, and then build in tougher versions if you can manage them. Regular repetition of even just a few basic strength and ab moves – combined with your cardio work – will give the best all-round workout results.
Getting your body ready for the summer is all about hard work and dedication. Set yourself clear, achievable, weekly goals and stick to them – pushing it harder and further if you’re finding it easy. Track your progress properly, get your nutritional balance right and then reap your rewards on the summer holiday.
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