Running a household and raising a family costs a small fortune. There is always another bill that arrives on your doormat, and another expense that will eat into your savings just as you feel that you are getting your head above water. However, are you sure that you are making your money go as far as it can?
How you spend your money is as important as how much you have. Here are some tips and guidance to help you make the pennies go a little bit further:
1.Consult Your Calendar
There are some costs that you have throughout the year that you know that you are going to have to splash out on. Have a look at your calendar for key events such as birthdays, anniversaries and weddings that you know that you are going to have to provide gifts for. By being organised you will be able to get a gift that is more cost-efficient than a last-minute panic buy. Some of the best gifts to receive are the sentimental and thoughtful ones; a framed photograph is an inexpensive gift that the recipient will cherish.
2.Invest Time in Researching Your Options
One of the great aspects of the digital world that we live in is that you have the power to find the best deals from the comfort and convenience of your home. Before making a big purchase, research alternative options. You may be googling beauty procedures and how much is a hair transplant and be put off by the cost; however, research will show you that the cosmetic surgery and hair transplant cost is dramatically less overseas like at Turkey’s clinic.
You shouldn’t restrict your research to big purchases alone, apply the same effort to all your purchases that you can complete online. Car insurance, utility providers and activities are areas where savings can be made if you are prepared to invest time in researching the best price.
3.Use Cashback Websites
Cashback websites are a great way to save money on online purchases that you make. The leaders in the market are Quidco and Topcashback. You simply need to sign up to them and remember to click through to the products that you are buying through their website or app. For each purchase that you make, you will have a percentage of it returned to you. However, to make the most of these sites you need to follow these guidelines:
- Think of the cashback as a bonus. Sometimes there are issues with the tracking of the purchase and disputes occur between the site and the vendor. They are usually good at resolving disputes but don’t rely on the money.
- Focus on the deal and not on the cashback. The vendor wants to make money, and so you need to research (see above!) that the deal that you are being offered is the best on the market.
- Remove your money from the site’s account as soon as it hits it. You do not want to miss out on money if they change their pay-out policies!
To make your money work best for you, you need to invest time to ensure that you are receiving the best deals on the market. Yes, it takes time, but what you spend on time, you save on cash. Convenience is a budget eater, so a little forward planning and organisation can save you in the long-term.
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