Online dating can be tricky to navigate, along with the nervous typing and lengthy profile to complete you also have to work out if people are really who they say they are when you strike up a conversation in that chat box.
‘I have my own boat and have climbed Snowdon two…no three times.’ He tells you, and before you can respond you notice he’s typing again and another message pops up, ‘Oh yeah, I’ve also got a couple of properties. I work in London though, so only really live in one of them. You should come round sometime though 😉 ’
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An extreme example, maybe, but these are lies that are easy to spot – if pound signs don’t blind your vision – however, there are some more subtle lies typed out on online dating websites and while they might not be easy to spot in the back of your mind you might be a little skeptical about what you are being told.
But first, take a look at your own dating profile before judging others, because you might even be telling a few fibs yourself on there (yes, that ten-year-old profile picture might look amazing but isn’t a true representation of you now.)
Some white lies are okay, even recommended, for example, you don’t have to be honest about your full name (no one wants Facebook stalkers), exactly where you live or what you want in five years on your profile. Of course, later on when you’re comfortable talking to someone you can disclose these things.
Unsurprisingly, money earned, height and profile pictures are the most common deceptions when it comes to online dating, as people attempt to make themselves appear more important, taller and more attractive than they might be perceived in real life.
Amongst men, height is a common thing to lie about and stats from OKCupid indicate that most men add at least two inches on when filling in their information on the site, so bear this in mind when browsing a site.
There is a reason for their fibbing though, studies have uncovered that women believe tall men are more masculine, competent and get paid more (because apparently, those are the only things women care about) so this is more than likely the reason. Just bear in mind when you’re perusing the pictures of that 6”2 hunk you’re chatting to, he’s probably not going to tower over you in your stiletto heels unless his pictures reflect his height while standing next to others.
Be wary of those who upload images of themselves on boats, in flash cars or in the cockpit of a plane claiming that the mode of transport is theirs. It’s more than likely a photo taken on holiday or on one of those experience days and if their current life story doesn’t reflect their high flying appearance they are probably telling some white lies.
So far we’ve only commented really on what men lie about on dating sites but according to a survey, carried out by Opinion Matters, women are actually more likely to lie on their dating profile when it comes to judging their appearances. With 38% more likely than men (22%) to lie about their weight and 21% more likely to use a photo that doesn’t resemble them currently.
In all honesty, there is no definitive way of discerning a lie from the truth, but it’s probably best to trust your gut and take everything that is said with a pinch of salt if it seems too good to be true.
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How To Spot The Lies On An Online Dating Profile
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