So you have decided to sign up and try out an online dating site, see I told you dating for parents wasn’t that scary. Just before you fill out your online dating profile it’s worth figuring out first what are you hoping to achieve by joining; are you looking for a permanent, long-term relationship, or just a friendship to while away the time you spend online? Knowing what you want out of it helps save you and others wasting time.
Whichever type of relationship you are looking for here are 5 things to consider:
How To Write An Online Dating Profile
- Personal details: Don’t give your full name. No one needs to know – use a nickname for your safety. Nor is it necessary, in any circumstances, to give anything more than a very broad area of where you live. No one needs to know the exact neighborhood and no one ever needs to know your complete address. You never know who may be viewing your profile, it could be a predator type who is looking for vulnerable people to scam. So be economical with the address on your profile. I really can’t stress this enough – keep contact details to the absolute minimum! eHarmony is the only dating site I recommend. Try eHarmony now and see your matches for FREE>>
- They reckon the profiles with pictures receive more contacts so post a photograph of yourself. Our giving your profile more of a chance than those without a picture. Try and find a recent photograph – it is not necessary to be anyone other than who you really are. Everyone is attracted to different types of people and there will be someone who will think that you look like the real deal. I’ll bet that you don’t view the profiles of those without a picture – I know I don’t!
- Use an email address that is not your usual personal one. Open a new Gmail or Yahoo account to use for the online dating sites. You will probably get a lot of unsolicited mail from all sorts of people trying to sell you something. So, it really helps to keep your personal day to day email uncluttered from spam.
- In the area that asks you to write something about yourself – be original. Try and compose something that will grab the interest of the type of reader that you are aiming to attract. If you are interested in classical music, say so. For example: “My great passion is listening to Vivaldi whilst doing ballet and peeling some potatoes for dinner – multi-tasking is another great attribute of mine!” Don’t just settle for the one or two sentences that you find in a lot of profiles. Elaborate and give a lot of interesting information about yourself. There is someone on the dating sites for everyone, so don’t think you have to write the same type of stuff as everyone else. Whatever your interests, there will be someone to match them.
- When you are filling in the part of the form that asks for the type of person that you are hoping to meet, be specific. If you only want to meet people with blue eyes and blonde hair then put that on the form. It will save you from having to wade through all the photographs of brown hair and green-eyed people.
When using the online dating sites, use caution when someone asks for a personal meeting. Make arrangements to meet in a very public place and take your time getting to know someone. Not everyone is honest in their online dating profile so keep this in mind. Always tell someone where you are going and what time you will be back and never go anywhere other than where you have said you are going. Meet the person there and leave them there on the first date. Have fun!
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How to Write a Killer Online Dating Profile 1
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