I promise….
…..To my children that when they are older and have a family of their own I will dutifully turn up to all meal invites. At the dinner table I promise I won’t fidget, lean all over the table or have a bored ‘do I have to be here’ look on my face. I promise not to yawn when I am not being talked to or to reply to all questions with a grunt.
When you serve up the food that you lovingly cooked for hours (not to mention earned the money for, shopped for, dragged home..) I promise I won’t pick through it with a fork as if you just served up poison. And when you ask if the meal is ok I promise not to screw my nose up and say I am not keen or to then enthuse about my friends cooking and how lovely her meals are. I promise not to completely ignore the fact that you may have taken hours to cook the meal or actually walked the 2 mile round trip to get supplies. I promise not to leave my dinner plate on the side that is nearest to the dishwasher but to actually open the dishwasher and put the dinner plate inside.
I also promise not to leave every light on in all the rooms and when you challenge me as to why I won’t deny all knowledge. I promise not to use the last of the toilet roll and then not to replace the toilet roll for the next person.
I promise in the winter not to sit there in a thin top and whinge its cold and ask for the heating to be put on; instead I will wear proper clothes for the weather.
I promise not to do any of these things hopefully you will have children of your own and they will do all the above for you.
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