Income Support these are just the bare facts as it can be complicated, there is a lot more information is available at the sites recommended.
- You may be able to get Income Support if you are aged 16 to 59 and any of the following apply:
- You are a lone parent ( from 26 October 2009 with a child under 10, from 25 October 2010 with a child under 7 living with them)
- You are registered as sick or disabled
- You are caring for someone who is sick or elderly
- You are pregnant and your baby is due in the next 11 weeks or you have given birth in the last 15 weeks.
You also:
- Don’t have savings of more that £16,000
- You’re not working or working less than 16 hours a week.
- There are further restrictions if you have a partner – please check these out with the Jobcentre.
How much you receive depends on your circumstances like your living arrangements, how many children you have and how much in savings you have. Just as a guide the personal allowances from 6 April 2009 for lone parents are £50.95 for under 18, £64.30 for lone parents aged 18 and over. As each person’s situation is different this is only a guide.
Its paid fortnightly into your bank, building society, post office or national savings account that accepts direct payment. They will arrange a cheque that is cashable at a Post Office if you are unable to open or manage an account.
You can claim Income Support online.
If you are on Income Support you automatically qualify for the :
- Free dental care
- Free prescriptions
- Free school meals ( you have to apply by filling in a form)
- Housing Benefit/Council tax benefit
[box type=”info”] When claiming benefits it’s a good idea to: Take copies of completed claim forms and letters before you send them off. Keep a record of the date, time and the person you spoke to if you contact them in person or by phone. If you think they have made a mistake in working out your claim its worth getting advice from CAB. Don’t assume just because they are a government agency doesn’t mean they always get it right or that you can’t appeal the decision. [/box]
this post is very usefull thx!
i am with my partner and 2 kids i am leaving to go back home and the rent is high for my wife to pay will income support cover her rent
Rent is covered by Housing Benefit, to get the best answer contact your local Housing Benefit office as how much they may pay depends on how much the rent is, howmuch rent it in the area, how many bedrooms and your wife’s circumstances i.e finances.
QI am currently seeking a house to rent but I am a stay at home mum with no income ? What help can I get as I will be a single mum to a 2 year old ??
Your best bet is to do the benefit calculator at turn2us . That will tell you what your entitled too, how much roughly and how to apply.