Death….there I’ve said it. A word no one likes to say, or hear and everyone tries to avoid saying. Its such a final sort of word. Its bleak and black and not a word you would say with a smile on their face.
2 weeks ago I had a moment that now makes sense, but at the time was out of character for me. A friend posted on facebook about the sponsored run she and her daughter are doing together very soon for cancer research. Actually I will pause a moment so you can run over and have a look at her sponsor page…..Nickie fundraising . Go …. then come back.
Done? right where was I . Oh yes Nickie and Rachel are going to run their little sweaty socks off. With all the sponsored this and that’s always going on I do get a bit blind to it. My money can only stretch so far and to be brash I cant help everyone. But I helped Nickie.
The next day I learnt my Mum had stage 4 cancer.
A week later we were rushing to her bedside, skidding in the door with minutes to spare.
Next week we will be celebrating her life.
The last few weeks have been a roller coaster. Normal things that are normally so easy have suddenly become hard. Stringing words together for her celebration was impossible. How do you put into words a lifetime of emotions, experiences and memory’s?
My Mum taught me a lot of things. Practical things like sewing that went on to be my trade for over ten years. She taught me unconditional love from the moment they adopted me. But she also she taught me things after she went. She taught me how precious life is. How unpredictable it is and how short it is. How there isn’t always a tomorrow.
So if you have not told that person you love them or that other person you care…do it. If you’re waiting for the perfect time for something…don’t ..just do it.
You are so kind to include my link in this post – but I know why you have. And that last sentence is just perfect!
(( hugs ))