The last few days I have been far too busy scribbling notes and making lists for the new year to stop and think about last year. So now I am finally taking some time to think over 2012. As I said before last year was fairly quiet for us, but was there anything I would have done differently?
First off the weather was usual wet. Summer was one week of sun early in the year. So in hindsight I would have lived out for the whole of the week. I would have even considered not sleeping as every minute counts. But alas I didn’t and I blinked and missed the summer.
There were garden party excuses galore. The Jubilee , the Olympics and if your into Lycra clad men , Tour de France. I didn’t have one garden party, I didn’t even have a BBQ . I think I was always waiting for a nice day. Instead I should have just got on with it and had a party or two despite the weather. I am sure I could have hired a generator and sorted out some outside heating. Add in lots of fairy lights and candles, some food and a union jack and there you have a garden party. So I wished I had taken the time to celebrate these things more as they wont happen in my lifetime again.
2012 was the year the world was supposed to end. Apparently the Mayans calender predicted the end of the world on 21st December 2012. Slightly inconsiderate that they didn’t do it after Christmas was my first thought , me being a big Christmas lover. But nevertheless I did worry that they might be right. Daft I know especially as it wasn’t long till facebook was full of counter theories The best ones being that they simply ran out of stone ( the calender is carved on a large round stone) and that Mayans made the prediction before the leap year cam about so if it was true the world ended a few months previous.
All in all what ever I didn’t do in 2012 is rather tough luck. I still haven’t built a time machine and I cant change anything. All I can do is learn by it. So its party all the way in 2013 just in case.
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