I am sure the older I am getting the more whiny I am getting. I am a happy old sole really and nothing really phases me that much as I was brought up on a diet of ‘oh well lets get on with it’. I was taught at a very young age that life will always chuck you more than you think you can handle but somehow you will always emerge through it the other end ready to take on the next task. But I am at a loss at much of the modern day. Not the gadgets and gizmo’s as I’m not that old thank you . Its more the attitude of modern life. Its the lack of manners, the attitude that life owes you and the forever ‘its not my fault’ default answer that’s trotted out all the time.
There is a a new fast food restaurant in our town. Well I use the term restaurant rather loosely. Children are regularly being taught its perfectly fine to eat the majority of their meals with their fingers. I do understand that there are certain foods where a knife and fork is out of the question but we are then surprised when out at a restaurant, a proper one, the then child has no clue how to behave let alone use a knife and fork in the correct manner. I’m not wanting or expecting the complete opposite and for all children to be brought up using the finest Robert Welch cutlery to eat their peas. But children only learn from what they are taught and its us parents who are doing the teaching.
I find myself sitting on my hands in the various waiting rooms I have to frequent. The doctors, dentist, orthodontist, vets ……I think my life is a series of waiting rooms. I fear if I don’t sit on my hands I would get up and tell the parent that their child’s behaviour isn’t acceptable behaviour and could they please stop their child from screaming or hitting me in the chins with its toy as I am not finding it remotely cute. I know parenting is hard and the parent is probably knackered beyond sensible levels but unless they correct or actually see the behaviour then the child is always going think its ok.
In the modern day where benefits are being cut, jobs scarce and money is very tight there is something we all can do that’s free and could make you different to the next person. Manners. I was dragged up on more manners than hot meals. My mother installed in me at a very early age my please and thank you’s and all the other manners but her most crucial teaching was that of respect for elders. Now I am …..do I really have to say it …..an elder I look around and see life is ..well in a sad state of affairs as my Gran would say.
I look up and down the generations and I see the decline in each generation. Hopefully I have installed enough of my parents values into my children that they can pass it on to their children.
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