A leaf, I do declare I have just seen a leaf falling from the big huge trees at the bottom of the garden. It can’t be the start of autumn already can it? I know the seasons are all out of whack with spring not being spring and then a two week long summer that was unbroken sunshine. Totally unheard of I know and lots of talk about weather records and such like. But a leaf falling already really? I am sure the kids normally go back to school before autumn starts to make an appearance as they normally get a few weeks of no-coats before mothers and children start the yearly coat battle.
This was the first year too that I did the sensible thing and organised my wardrobe. I know this is such a mother-ish thing to do and I cringe to admit it but I did actually put my winter stuff away and just had my summer stuff in my wardrobe. How grown up is that? I had all my clothes in sections and then by colour. Ok that last bit may be a slight exaggeration but it was more organised than it’s ever been. I guess this is one of those things we all thought our mothers were mad for doing and we all said we would never do it ourselves. Bit like having a coat to match the season or choosing a pair of shoes that are comfortable over heal height. I never ever thought I would be out of stiletto shoes. I thought I would be buried in them and yet all my stilettos are neatly put away in boxes at the back of the wardrobe. I do get them out now and again, sigh, stroke them and wish I still wore them. Then I excitedly think that I could always go back to wearing them and spend next 5 minutes holding on for dear life to the banisters before the lovely stilettos are put back in their boxes and good old ballet pumps back on my feet again.
There have been so many things I declared I would never do when I became my the age my mother was and yet I am not in my stilettos, I do wear a coat to combat the chill and yes moisturiser really isn’t over rated and really is needed every day. I fear I may have grown up at last.
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