We all have it, most don’t have enough, lots have too much and we all need it even if we claim we don’t want it. It is claimed to be the root of all evil and it can divide people from families to the whole world. Money.
We all need money to live day to day. We all want money for the nice things and we all spend it differently. how we spend it has it changed throughout time
How we spend it has it changed dramatically throughout time.
I can remember the many hours ( probably more like minutes but it felt like an eternity when your 7 years old) sitting on the floor of our local bank as Mum talked to the cashier and moved money around from one account to another. I can remember how between Mum and the cashier they got confused and laughter as they laughed at themselves for getting confused at this new modern way. But that was just it, it was modern and new. Companies were only just starting to taking money payments via your bank.
Before that Dad was paid weekly in cash in a little brown envelope. He would open the envelope on the way home to fill the motorbike up for the week and we were allowed a weekly treat of a chocolate bar. That was the highlight if my week. I never really noticed Mum putting the money into separate envelopes for the following week but I am guessing that was what she did. I just knew there was an envelope for everything. It had a name on it like rent or food. And we or they were not allowed to touch it until it was to be paid. If there wasn’t enough in the envelope we went without.
That was how it was. You saved for everything. You didn’t have things right now, you always waited for them.
How different it is now.
Now I can sit on the sofa and move money from one account to another. I don’t have to go into the local branch or speak to a cashier to do it nor wait for it to happen. It’s instant. It’s fantastic.
The way we shop has changed drastically too. You don’t have to wait for things. If you save an emergency you can get money just about instantly from places like SwiftMoney. Want a new sofa for Christmas and pay for it later? No problem. Don’t have time to go shopping? Again no problem. Whilst sitting on the train commuting or sitting in the comfort of your own lounge you can order your weeks, month or whatever groceries and be unpacking up them less than 24 hours later. I know because I do it every week.
But are all these changes for the best? Probably I think. But there is still something nostalgic in me wishing we could go back to a time when ladies were in heels and gents in hats. Ladies would shop for the day’s food that same day, cook and eat it while amazingly fresh. Then repeat the process the next day.
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