Mothers Day this year is March 18th. Its creeping up fast and I am still faffing around with mothers days card prototypes. Organised? Me ? No hope really. So as I was knee high in glitter, as usual, my father who has recently discovered how to email sent me two ‘mother’ emails. He has finally got passed the stage of sending pictures of cute bunnies etc, were now onto proverbs and thoughtful quotes. If you haven’t seen these they are quiet good so I thought I would share. Oh and some pictures of the prototypes of course, for your feedback and a recent commission I did.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils Are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn’t come out of carpets.
Real Mothers don’t want to know what
The vacuum just sucked up…
Real Mothers know that a child’s growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade…
It is marked by the progression of Mummy to Mum to Mother…..
4 YEARS OF AGE – My Mummy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE – My Mum knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE – My Mother doesn t know everything!
14 YEARS OF AGE – My Mother? She wouldn t have a clue.
16 YEARS OF AGE – Mum? She’s so five minutes ago.
18 YEARS OF AGE – That old woman? She’s way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE – Well, she might know a little bit about it!
35 YEARS OF AGE – Before we decide, let’s get Mum’s opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE – Wonder what Mum would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE – Wish I could talk it over with Mum.
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